Thursday, September 3, 2020

Managing Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Overseeing Information Technology - Essay Example Absolutely, chargebacks are not forever the result of to some degree IS specialist co-op did or didn't perform in some cases botches are made by backer of card, purchasers and Mastercard holders (Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer, Martin, and Perkins, 2009), (Visa., 2011) and (Conde, 2011). In addition, a chargeback happens after a purchaser contacts their Visa supplier to challenge a charge that develops on their Visa tribute. Also, the chargebacks can happen because of a few foundations for example an unlawful specialist has played out an obtaining the consumer’s Mastercard. Furthermore, there could be a few worries of chargeback wherein a purchaser isn't satisfied with the quality of the IS administrations. There is another viewpoint wherein customer has been arraigned various occasions expected for the comparable request of procurement. In different situations a chargeback can happen when the buyer is disappointed by a securing and has not been fit to determine the issue with the dea ler. Different cases may include when the buyer has not acquired the bought items as they were guaranteed by the IS specialist organization (Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer, Martin, and Perkins, 2009) and (Google, 2011).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project accomplished more than permit the United States to take Japan out of World War II: it permitted the United States to lead the route into the Nuclear Age. The US required an approach to end the war rapidly without losing its very own significant number lives, so the president requested researchers and officers to chip away at the creation of a nuclear bomb. This was known as the Manhattan Project. There was a need to keep moving in light of the fact that the Americans expected that the Germans were near the precarious edge of making a nuclear bomb themselves. On the off chance that the Nazis made a nuclear bomb before the Allies, Hitler may have been ready to vanquish all of Europe by compelling the nations to give up. The work which was done in the Manhattan Project and the information we have picked up from the work are driving into an unrest in our wellsprings of vitality. President Harry Truman understood that Japans edginess made its fighters battle with obsessive boldness. They would not surrender to the Americans. Promulgation made the Japanese feel that the Americans were mean and would torment them if they were gotten. Individuals were so delude and befuddled that they consented to be kamikazes furthermore, murder themselves for winning the war. Japanese authorities persuaded them that it was a respect to kick the bucket for the prosperity of Japan. There was a fight on Okinawa, a Pacific island, which cost the Americans 50,000 troopers dead or injured. The heartless furthermore, obstinate pioneers were not going to give up effectively, so an intrusion of each of the minuscule islands of Japan was essential all together for the Americans to constrain the Japanese into giving up. Specialists figure that an intrusion of every one of these islands would cost the Be that as it may, a bomb of mass annihilation would compel the Japanese to give up. The pioneers would see that a couple of all around put bombs would pass Japan directly over the guide. Four or five bombs could demolish everything th...

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Knight's Tale and The Wife of Bath's Tale Essay

The Knight's Tale and The Wife of Bath's Tale - Essay Example ‘The Wife of Bath’s Tale’ has a preface where one lady discusses the five spouses she has had and corresponding to her husbands, she envelops in the discussion, subjects like love, sex, religion, joy, sexual orientation jobs, culture, society, magnificence, desire and marriage. She discusses how these components have stayed interconnected with her life however in a practically mocking and hilarious manner. Of her five spouses, four cherished her hugely and were resigned to her desires. They laid their life, love and riches at her feet and commended her day and night and looked for her consideration and love. She had adored none of her initial four spouses since they were old and had quite recently hitched them for their cash. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they fulfilled and satisfied her she let them have their way with her occasionally; she had their reigns in the palm of her hand. The Wife of Bath’s fifth spouse was a man a lot more youthful t han she and she cherished him beyond a reasonable doubt. This is the place she clarifies that ladies just love what they can't have, and since this spouse was â€Å"cool† to her expressions of love she pined for him. In any case, soon, helped by her astute trickeries the woman of Bath had him in the palm of her hand as well. He cheerfully allowed her position over him and capitulated to her. The genuine story of the woman of Bath recounts to the narrative of a knight who was overwhelmed by desire and assaulted a little youngster in court. As discipline he was given a year to discover what ladies truly need and on the off chance that he discovered right, his life would be saved, else he would be murdered. He had no accomplishment until the most recent day; he met an elderly person who offered him the right response. What really satisfies ladies is to have express power over their darlings and spouses. Afterward, the elderly person requests that the youthful knight wed her cons equently of her kindness. He agrees, yet is despondent on the grounds that she is old and terrible. She gives him a decision; she can either be a decent, loyal, monstrous spouse or an unfaithful however excellent one. He leaves the choice at her carefulness. Made really glad by her authority over him, she transforms into a delightful and dedicated spouse. In entirety, ‘The Wife of Bath’s Tale’ discusses an adoration that is childish and loaded with hesitant plots and plans. In examination, ‘The Knight’s Tale’ discusses an adoration that is unadulterated and the things men do to accomplish their cherished. Through the advancement of this story we discover that Palamon and Arcite are eager to hazard their lives and opportunity just to get to their adored. Their affection is visually impaired and brave and knows no limits and they are eager to put everything that is generally valuable to them to have the option to wed and have the adoration for E melye, with which the both are enamored. In a manner these stories are one-sided records of the subjects of affection, marriage, enthusiasm and want for they limit every sexual orientation to a job and thought process of an outrageous, when truly the fact of the matter is a long way from this. There are endless men who plot and plan for affection and with regards to it, love just for narrow minded reasons and there are similarly the same number of, if not more ladies in this world who love aimlessly and loyally paying little heed to how delightful they are. In any case, there is a lot to gain from them as well. Each characterizes a generalization that exists in these settings, and regardless of whether the factor of sexual orientation jobs is expelled from the condition, the vast majority of the topic despite everything sounds valid. Generally, the two stories talk about adoration from the point of view of the two unique sexual orientations and

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How NYU Stern Maintains A 98% Employment Rate

How NYU Stern Maintains A 98% Employment Rate by: Gregory Yang on November 06, 2018 | 0 Comments Comments 1,587 Views November 6, 2018New York University, Stern School of Business. Courtesy photoBethany Godsoe has been at New York University for over 17 years. She started out at NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service as the Assistant Dean for Enrollment and Student Services and Director of Admissions. After four years, she moved to become the executive director at the school’s Research Center for Leadership in Action, and in 2013, she became Associate Vice President for Student Leadership Initiatives at NYU. Today, Godsoe is the Associate Vice President for Career and Leadership Development, helping students at the Stern School of Business take all the necessary steps to get to their dream careers. â€Å"My work is to equip them (students) to thrive in today’s economy and job market with my exposure to industries and stakeholders,† Godsoe, who worked in the nonprofit sector doing program work before getting into higher education, says. â€Å"Stern students have consistently been bright, eager, and really liked by employers, and increasingly so. Our placement rate has consistently been around 98%.†Godsoe adds that at Stern, she often reminds students that there is no prescribed path to success, and that success is defined differently by different people. The key, she says, is to help a student pursue their passion, whether it’s getting their first job in investment banking, or biking across the country to raise awareness about a cause. PQ: What major changes have you seen in the students at Stern in terms of career development?Godsoe: We received a record 75,000 applications to our freshman class this year and things are increasingly competitive. The students coming here are well positioned to take advantage of the opportunities available to them, but what I’ve noticed in this new role is that Stern b usiness students are set apart from other business students because of the strength of the liberal arts here. Many students develop competencies in a variety and range of areas, including tech, entertainment, media, and finance.   Our students also graduate really savvy after having to negotiate life in New York City, and with expert communication skills. They’re comfortable communicating with people across the university and with employers in different industries.The shift over time that has happened is that NYU has grown in prominence as a global network university, with campuses all over the world, and students are offering employers intercultural experiences at a very young age. More students are studying away from home, and the students are increasingly global. Student success today is also very different. We are training students for more diverse industries, dynamic workplaces, and economies. Students need to be more adaptive and global in outlook than ever before, an d it’s exciting for me to bring my leadership development skills to NYU. Having a global orientation will help the student to succeed not just in college, but all throughout their career in a rapidly changing environment.Bethany Godsoe. NYU photoHow have employers changed over your time in higher education, and what are they looking for in Stern graduates?Employers today are looking for students to hit the ground running. They’re still looking for employees who are skilled and reliable, but the workplace is changing so rapidly, coupled with the earlier recruiting timeline, they’re now looking out for students with raw intelligence and competence who will be a good fit for their company. It’s not all about the traditional checkboxes anymore. Employers are also now using a variety of predictive analytics as tests to predict which students will best learn and grow in their environment. This way, they can identify early candidates. They’re also using m ore virtual interviewing, and what’s really important is that students practice and get familiar with great technology. Record and practice for interviews and get feedback. The important thing is to remember that all the same rules apply as if it were an in-person interview.Some companies are also giving applicants different kinds of aptitude tests, and by comparing how current employees did to candidates, they can get an idea of which individuals display similar traits that the company is looking for.Students need to practice articulating their meta skills, and what they have learned that can be applied across contexts. They need to articulate it through resumes and interview, know their story, and be able to communicate it effectively to employers, whether it’s in a networking session or formal interview setting. We encourage our students to think about the needs of the industry, and how their story fits. One of the things we do is help freshmen figure out where they belong in the industry.Can you share with us some of the innovative approaches youve taken at Stern, and why they work well with students?One of the main keys to our success is about doing work collaboratively, not just within my team, but in partnership with others. We are not the only place where career development happens for the students. Rather, we work with faculty and employers to provide a holistic student experience. We work closely with our faculty, many of whom are still involved in their industries, and make connections with employers. The employers often come on campus, not only to promote and recruit, but also to do full-day conferences and one-off workshops. They are involved not only in the recruiting our students, but in their education as well.Employers are also engaged in providing mentorship sot some students, specifically first-generation students, in an ongoing program we have. It’s a win for employers as they raise their visibility on campus and develo p close relationships with the student body, helping them better understand student experiences, and what motivates them. In return, these students get invaluable guidance on choosing and developing their careers, and we as a university develop deeper relationships with these employers. Have you noticed any trends in what students are looking for in their employers and companies they are thinking of joining?Employers are maintaining relationships with students throughout their undergrad career, and seeing the power of peer-to-peer connections and students as ambassadors on campus and employing that strategy. Beyond the traditional measure of opportunities for growth, compensation, challenges in the role, and the way it will enable the students to bring their strengths to the organizations, students have started looking beyond those consistent criteria. Over the years, they’ve begun to look more at, and take more interest, in companies that reflect their personal values, regar dless of the industry. To meet this interest, some employers are doing volunteer events alongside students to recruit them while talking about their community impact efforts. Particularly to NYU, our students are increasingly excited by employers who create space to encourage entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking. Our emphasis on entrepreneurship in the university attracts students who are seeking out opportunities and creativity, and here, they find that they have lots of opportunities to develop their entrepreneurial interests. From here, they want to move into an environment that will support their ongoing engagement in entrepreneurial activity. It’s not necessarily about starting a company, but about being encouraged to think within the company.What advice do you have for business students who are about to step into the world of business?Don’t compare yourself to others. Be authentic in your approach because it’s not always about what you think the c ompany wants. Think about how you will thrive in the long haul, and the value you bring to them. Find the common thread between all your experiences, develop it into a powerful narrative, and bring it to the company. We remind students to make connections with people, even during virtual interviews, using eye contact and body language. Keep your responses focused, concise, and on pointe. The advice to students is to remember that it’s still a professional interaction, even though it may feel like a conversation with a friend or family member. And in one sentence, the golden rule is to remember that there’s always more to learn, so ask questions, find mentors, and stay humble.DONT MISS: WHERE BIZ MAJORS MOST WANT TO WORK or THE BEST COMPANIES FOR RECENT GRADS Page 1 of 11

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Criminal Profiling And The Criminal Justice System

Many Criminologist and Psychologists believe that there are specific psychological traits that can disconnect a person from the rest of society. Criminal profiling is the approach that an individual who commits a crime, may leave some sort of psychological evidence that can be crucial to an investigation. This theory is a vital part of the criminal justice system today. Criminology targets why individuals commit crimes and why they behave in certain situations. By understanding why a person commits a crime, you can develop ways to control crime or change the criminal to a certain extent. There are many theories in criminology. Some characterize crime to the individual. They believe that an individual weighs the pros and cons and makes a choice whether or not to act criminally. Others believe it is the community’s responsibility to make sure that citizens do not commit crime by offering them a safe place to live in, in society. Some argue that some individuals have specific traits that will determine how they will react when put in certain negative conditions. Overall, the determination of a criminal can be done through criminal profiling. There are many different psychological disorders that can determine a person’s actions or emotions. Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Just as heart disease is a disorder of the heart, mental illnesses are medical conditions of theShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling And The Criminal Justice System1204 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Racial profiling is a major issue in American society. Its existence threatens every minority citizen of this country. Racial profiling is not fair and not effective because it relies on stereotypes and encourages discrimination. Examining cases that have occurred in the past and most recently help us fully understand this issue. Many studies and reports of racial profiling involve excessive use of force, police brutality, imposition of death penalty, traffic stops, stop and frisk issuesRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Criminal Justice System1582 Words   |  7 PagesRacial disparity in the Criminal Justice system has been a issue of discussion in our law enforcement for years. Statistics say the likelihood of imprisonment in a lifetime is 1 in 3 black men, 1 in 6 Latino men and 1 in 17 white men. (Bonczar2003) The search and seizure 4th amendment was passed in 1789 which was supposed to protect all persons of unreasonable searches, etc. In 1944 Gunner Myrdal wrote â€Å"itâ€℠¢s part of a policeman’s philosophy that Negro criminals or suspects that show any sign of insubordinationRead MoreDna Profiling And The Criminal Justice System1372 Words   |  6 Pagesstruck again murdering 15 year old Dawn Ashworth, once again leaving behind semen, but this time the police were able to use DNA profiling to match the semen to a suspect. Colin Pitchfork became the first person to be caught based on mass DNA screening, and the first to be convicted based on DNA profiling. The use of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in the criminal justice system has greatly tipped the scales in favor of law enforcement, and changed the world that we live in. Court cases that in the pastRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Criminal Justice System1004 Words   |  5 Pageson minorities. As we take a closer look into that statistic on crime, housing, employment along with racial profiling I do believe most are tied together which can easily cause a revolving door within the criminal j ustice system. When we look at the minority communities there are many challenges they are faced on a daily basis. Addiction and Crime: Incarceration: Employment: Racial Profiling: The use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone for crimes. Mental Health: Many individualsRead MoreAnalysis of Racial Profiling in the Criminal Justice System3223 Words   |  13 PagesAnalysis of Racial Profiling In the Criminal Justice System Police officers today face many challenges. Some concerns include dangers or safety concerns related to being a police officer, questions of the use of force and the public’s perception of officers being corrupt. Additionally, with cases of deaths and accusations that have come to the forefront about police throughout the United Stated, questions about police racial profiling have also come to light. Today’s police are considered toRead MorePolicy Process Essay1222 Words   |  5 PagesSociety relies on the criminal justice system to maintain order within communities and to maintain a safe environment for community members. Society expects the criminal justice system to provide justice by separating the guilty from the innocent, to incapacitate dangerous individuals, to promote deterrence to law-breaking individuals, and to rehabilitate offenders. An important expectation of the criminal justice system is to provide fair and just consequences to criminal offenders a nd assist theRead MoreRacial Profiling in Canada1166 Words   |  5 PagesRacial profiling is the act of selecting targets for criminal investigation not on behavioural merit, but exclusively on markers of personal identity such as race, ethnicity, and religious orientation (Perry, 2011, p.9). In other words, racial profiling is the by-product of subjecting individuals who are from a particular racial community to a higher degree of scrutiny and surveillance by criminal justice system agents when compared to other racial communities (Wortley and Owusu-Bempah, 2011, p.135)Read MoreRacial Inequality919 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussed in the American criminal justice system. Although racial discrimination is present in the criminal justice system, some people use the words inequality, discrimination, racism, and profiling loosely and do not understand how truly complex it is to prove that there actually is racial inequality present in the criminal justice system. Daniel P Mears, Joshu a C. Cochran, and Andrea M. Lindsey article Offending and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Criminal Justice: A Conceptual Framework forRead MoreProfessional Racism and Discrimination1117 Words   |  5 PagesDepartment has a reputation for using race as a basis to catch criminals. Racial profiling is the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for believing an individual is suspicious of committing a crime. Discriminatory or abusive behavior towards people of color affects the justice system and violates people’s human rights. The LAPD continues to use racial profiling against mostly African-Americans and Latinos. The use of racial profiling by the LAPD prevents the police from serving the whole communityRead MoreRacism : The Criminal Justice System1040 Words   |  5 PagesRacism in Our Criminal Justice System There are many different types of unlawful racism in the criminal justice system. It goes from back in the early part of our great nation’s birth to the killing of Martin Luther King Jr. to Ferguson, Missouri. The path that racism takes is from old time’s point of view. The way to clear up racism in our criminal justice system is simple and easy. Americans need to fully understand the idea of equality. Second, police need to stop doing racial profiling. Finally,

Hamilton County Judges free essay sample

Three major court systems in Hamilton County were reviewed in depth, and case information from the Common Pleas, Domestic Relations, and Municipal Courts were reviewed. This study compiles information from 38 Judges who had a total of 182,908 cases presented to them over a three year period. This study shows the number of cases that were disposed, appealed, and reversed. This study is to aid in determining which judges have a greater proficiency trying cases and their verdicts stand as rendered, rather than the verdicts being appealed or reversed.Each judges case load was reviewed and the statistics were determined by how many cases have been appealed, reversed or a conjunction of both. This information will help determine the judges who have made the least, as well as the most errors, while serving in the Hamilton County Court System over the three year period. This study will show that for all the disposed cases in the Hamilton County Court System during the 3 year evaluation period, the Common Pleas Court the probability of a case being appealed and reversed is 0. We will write a custom essay sample on Hamilton County Judges or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1129 (11. 29%); Domestic Relations Courts probability of a case being appealed and reversed is 0. 604 (16. 04%); Municipal Court probability of a case being appealed and reversed is 0. 2080(20. 80%). In the Domestic Relations Court, evidence suggests that Ronald Panioto has the lowest probability of a case that he oversees being given an appeal and reversed, and Patrick Dinkelacker has the highest probability in a case that he oversees being given an appeal and reversed. In the Municipal Court, evidence suggests that Karla Grady and Deidre Hair have the lowest probability of a case that they oversee being given an appeal and reversed, and John A. West has the highest probability in a case that he oversees being given an appeal and reversed.The purpose of this study was to inform the newspaper of the amount of times mistakes occurred in this judicial system, and inform them of which judges were having a high rate of their cases appealed or overturned; in turn this indicated which judges were making too many mistakes, and which judges were doing a satisfactory job. A high rate or percentage of ruling reversals due to errors can be detrimental in the justice system, by releasing criminals on technicalities, who otherwise would be imprisoned. In these three court systems alone, out of 182,908 cases, 2,368 were appealed and 320 of those cases resulted in reverse decisions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

College Essay Admission Samples - How to Use Them

College Essay Admission Samples - How to Use ThemBefore you write an essay on a subject that you know nothing about, read some college admission essay samples. After you've done this, you'll be well prepared to tackle your topic confidently. Writing a college essay can seem daunting to students, but if you have the proper writing tools and writing guidelines, then you can conquer this task without fear.College essay admission samples will help you get started on the right foot with a subject that interests you. If you've always wanted to write essays, but you don't know where to start, then read some of these samples.If you're looking for examples of essays that are part of curriculum vitae (the document that potential employers need in order to interview you), then look no further than the American Council on Education. The official website for the A.C.E. will provide you with dozens of different subjects that you can use for essays. The subject is broad, which will give you plenty of room to write your essay. By reading college admission essay samples from the A.C.E., you'll be able to take your ideas and turn them into a fresh and compelling topic.If you've always wanted to write essays about your subject matter, but you aren't sure how to go about it, there are plenty of professional writers to help you along the way. Instead of searching the internet for essays, look for essay writing advice sites. These sites offer advice and writing tips that are appropriate for a variety of topics. Students who have taken college essays classes and really understand what they're doing are likely to find online sites with these types of tips helpful.Another example of a sample college essay is 'Letters to the Editor,' from A.H. Kennedy. If you're looking for samples of unique essays, and you want to write essays that are filled with wit and style, then A.H. Kennedy's 'Letters to the Editor' will be right up your alley.There are many writers who can help you write a good essay. Try to find someone who is experienced with writing essays. Be sure to ask for their opinion on the topic that you are researching. It's much easier to work with someone who has been writing essays for a while, instead of someone who hasn't ever written a single one.With that said, it's important to get a few opinions before you make any important decision regarding how to write your essay. Other essays online are available for purchase so that you can use as examples. If you don't have money to buy a new one, then you can buy used essays. This way, you will get the advice you need without spending any money.When you're ready to begin researching topics for your essay, check out some college admission essay samples. You can easily save your own drafts as well, and you can pick and choose which ones you want to use as a sample. If you don't like the ones that the guidance counselor gives you, then be sure to tell them what you don't like and purchase something else.